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Their stories. Our strength

Each of our customers is unique, as is the attention we dedicate to them, building long-lasting relationships based on trust and mutual esteem.

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Case Studies

RD&Q function site

Responsive, multilingual, dual horizontal and vertical navigation, minimalist but above all eye-catching. These were the requests of the Barilla team that needed to graphically revamp its Corporate Intranet for its RD&Q (Research Development and Quality) division.

We implemented it using Microsoft Sharepoint. And you know what? It looks great!

Case Studies

Pharma Health Institute

The Pharma Health Institute project is an e-learning school designed for more than 4,000 European pharmacists. For its development we exploited the full potential of the Moodle Academy already implemented by Unifarco. We added training programs mainly in the form of videos, easily purchasable by users across Europe thanks to a dedicated online shop.

Pharma Health Institute

The Pharma Health Institute project is an e-learning school designed for more than 4,000 European pharmacists. For its development we exploited the full potential of the Moodle Academy already implemented by Unifarco. We added training programs mainly in the form of videos, easily purchasable by users across Europe thanks to a dedicated online shop.

Antitrust regulations - Interactive video modules

The brief involved customizing an E-learning course on antitrust issues, adapting it to Lamborghini‘s brand identity, and making it highly interactive in the form of video modules that can be used on-the-go and that can raise awareness and attract the team’s attention. Done!

Labyrinth of Waste-Branching

How informed are consumers on the issue of food waste? Based on this question, we created a branching for Confconsumatori, a journey starring an ordinary person who performs actions every day that can impact the environment and the economy. Try it for yourself!

We design together.
What do you need?

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